meet han

I’m so dang thankful you found your way onto this page. It is my heart to serve you in the best way I know with a camera in hand. I’m a sucker for a real life “rom-com” so if you’re into that, we will be bffs. I love the romantic, whimsical, carefreeness of love. The kind that you can’t stop reading in a book, or you can’t stop daydreaming about in the office. I want to give these images back to you & remind you of the love & connection that you share with one another for generations to come. I will throw in some awful dad jokes in for free & we will have a good time. Thank you for being here. My heart truly is full.


My heart will forever be the Lord’s. I am so passionate about praising His name with every click of the shutter. My family is my purpose. They are the absolute world to me and to provide them with images of our family & families across the world brings so much joy to my soul. Love. The greatest commandment from our God and it’s something I get to photograph every single day.

See Investment


Favorite drink: I’m obsessed with coke
Favorite smell: the rain
Favorite color: black (lol)
Favorite place I’ve been: Moab, Utah
Favorite hobby: gardening
Favorite food: chicken nugs
Favorite book: Crazy Love by Francis Chan